Rental policy
We are excited to introduce our rental program: a new way to experience jenneskens
We are taking the next step in our sustainability mission as we now offer the opportunity to experience our outdoor gear without committing to a full purchase upfront.
We have made a curated selection of our products that have become available for rentals. If you decide to keep the item after the rental, you get to keep it at no extra cost — like a “try before you buy” experience.
Note: at the moment we are only able to offer rentals for customers based in Europe. For US and Canada rentals, a selection of jenneskens items can be rented at Hauteline.
How it works
Select your rental
Browse our curated rental selection. Choose your preferred item(s), set your dates using the calendar, and add it to your cart.Pay 20% at checkout
At checkout, you’ll secure your rental with 20% of the retail price.Complete your deposit
Before shipping, we’ll send a link to your email to pay a 50% refundable deposit. The 50% is calculated over the retail price.Enjoy for 10 days
Your rental is shipped immediately after deposit payment. Enjoy your item(s) for up to 10 days. Want it longer than 10 days? Please contact us at it at no cost
Return it using the prepaid label included in your package. No extra costs. Ship on the 11th day of your rental, the latest.Try before you buy
If you decide to keep the item, you get to keep it at no extra cost — like a “try before you buy” experience. Just send us an email at to let us know. The rental seamlessly becomes your purchase. The 20% rental fee and 50% deposit together cover the item’s retail price.
Damage policy
We understand that rented items may see some wear during activities, but if an item is returned with significant damage that affects its resale value (such as tears, burns, or stains that cannot be removed), we reserve the right to retain the 50% deposit. Please handle the items with care so others can enjoy them too.
If you have any additional questions about jenneskens rentals, please contact us at If there is any issue with your rental item, let us know within 48 hours of receiving the package.
Why rent?
Our rental program is an important step in our mission toward sustainability and reducing waste. By renting, you’re participating in a circular system that encourages reuse rather than consumption. Whether you’re preparing for a skiing holiday or a hiking trip, renting our versatile gear allows you to enjoy high-performance products without the long-term commitment — ideal for those who might not need outdoor apparel year-round.
This way, you get to experience the exceptional quality of jenneskens without overconsumption, contributing to a more sustainable future.